IRC 99-2018 PDF Free Download: A Guide for Traffic Calming Measures
If you are looking for a comprehensive and reliable document that provides guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas, you might want to check out IRC 99-2018. This is a revised version of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) code that was first published in 1988 and has been updated in 2018 to reflect the latest developments and best practices in the field of traffic engineering. In this article, we will explain what is IRC 99-2018, why do you need it, how to use it, and where to get it. We will also provide some examples and illustrations of how IRC 99-2018 can help you design and implement effective traffic calming measures in different situations.
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What is IRC 99-2018?
IRC 99-2018 is a document that provides guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas. Traffic calming measures are physical or psychological devices or techniques that are used to reduce the speed, volume, or aggressiveness of traffic on roads, especially on minor roads or in residential areas. Traffic calming measures aim to improve the safety, comfort, and livability of road users and residents, as well as to enhance the environmental quality and aesthetic appeal of the road network.
The purpose and scope of IRC 99-2018
The purpose of IRC 99-2018 is to provide a uniform and consistent framework for planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas. It covers both active or design enforced measures, such as speed humps, chicanes, road narrowing, central islands, etc., and passive or law enforced measures, such as speed limits, signs, markings, etc. It also covers visual warnings or pre-warnings, such as rumble strips, flashing lights, etc., that alert drivers to the presence of traffic calming zones or devices.
The scope of IRC 99-2018 is applicable to all types of roads, including highways, urban roads, hill roads, etc., where traffic calming measures are required or desired. It provides general principles and criteria for selecting appropriate traffic calming measures based on the road characteristics, traffic conditions, land use patterns, accident data, public opinion, etc. It also provides specific guidelines and standards for designing and installing various traffic calming devices based on their dimensions, materials, locations, spacing, etc. It also provides checklists for assessing the suitability and effectiveness of traffic calming measures in different scenarios.
The main features and contents of IRC 99-2018
The main features of IRC 99-2018 are as follows:
It is based on the latest research findings and international best practices in the field of traffic engineering.
It is user-friendly and easy to understand with clear definitions, explanations, diagrams, tables, etc.
It is flexible and adaptable to suit different road environments and traffic situations.
It is comprehensive and covers all aspects of traffic calming measures from planning to evaluation.
The contents of IRC 99-2018 are organized into five chapters as follows:
Introduction: This chapter gives an overview of the document and its objectives, scope, definitions, etc.
Traffic Calming: This chapter explains the concept and classification of traffic calming techniques and their benefits, objectives, and principles.
Traffic Calming Measures: This chapter describes the various types of traffic calming measures and their design guidelines and standards. It also provides a table that summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each measure.
Traffic Calming Zones: This chapter explains the concept and classification of traffic calming zones and their design guidelines and standards. It also provides examples of traffic calming schemes for different road environments.
Traffic Calming Implementation: This chapter discusses the steps and procedures for implementing traffic calming measures, including data collection, analysis, selection, design, consultation, installation, monitoring, and evaluation. It also provides checklists for each step.
Why do you need IRC 99-2018?
Traffic calming measures are becoming increasingly important and necessary in today's road network, especially in urban and rural areas where there is a high demand for mobility, safety, and livability. Traffic calming measures can help you achieve the following benefits and advantages:
The benefits and advantages of using IRC 99-2018
Improve road safety: Traffic calming measures can reduce the number and severity of road accidents by lowering the speed and volume of traffic, increasing the visibility and awareness of road users, and creating a more predictable and orderly traffic flow.
Enhance road comfort: Traffic calming measures can improve the comfort and convenience of road users by reducing the noise and vibration caused by traffic, providing more space and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, and creating a more pleasant and attractive road environment.
Promote road livability: Traffic calming measures can improve the livability and quality of life of residents by reducing the negative impacts of traffic on the environment, health, and social well-being, such as air pollution, noise pollution, stress, fear, etc. They can also encourage more social interaction and community involvement by creating a more human-scale and friendly road space.
The challenges and limitations of using IRC 99-2018
However, traffic calming measures are not without challenges and limitations. Some of the potential drawbacks and difficulties of using IRC 99-2018 are as follows:
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Increase travel time: Traffic calming measures can increase the travel time and delay of traffic by reducing the speed and capacity of roads, creating more stops and turns, and diverting traffic to alternative routes. This can affect the efficiency and productivity of road users, especially commuters, freight operators, emergency services, etc.
Require resources: Traffic calming measures can require significant resources for planning, designing, implementing, and maintaining them. This can include financial costs, human resources, technical expertise, public consultation, data collection, etc. These resources may not be readily available or affordable for some road authorities or stakeholders.
Involve trade-offs: Traffic calming measures can involve trade-offs between different objectives, interests, or groups. For example, reducing the speed of traffic may improve safety but increase travel time; providing more space for pedestrians may enhance comfort but reduce capacity for vehicles; creating a more attractive road environment may promote livability but increase maintenance costs. These trade-offs may require careful balancing and compromise to achieve optimal outcomes.
How to use IRC 99-2018?
If you want to use IRC 99-2018 to plan, design, implement, or evaluate traffic calming measures in urban or rural areas, you need to follow the steps and procedures outlined in the document. Here are some of the main steps and procedures that you need to follow:
The steps and procedures for applying IRC 99-2018
Identify the need and objective for traffic calming: The first step is to identify the need and objective for traffic calming in a specific road segment or area. This can be based on the analysis of existing or projected traffic conditions, accident data, land use patterns, public opinion, etc. The objective can be to improve safety, comfort, livability, or a combination of these.
Select the appropriate traffic calming measure: The next step is to select the appropriate traffic calming measure that suits the need and objective identified in the previous step. This can be done by using the general principles and criteria provided in IRC 99-2018, such as compatibility, effectiveness, acceptability, affordability, etc. The document also provides a table that summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each traffic calming measure.
Design the traffic calming measure: The third step is to design the traffic calming measure according to the specific guidelines and standards provided in IRC 99-2018. This includes determining the dimensions, materials, locations, spacing, etc. of the traffic calming device or technique. The document also provides diagrams, tables, and formulas for designing various traffic calming measures.
Consult with stakeholders and obtain approval: The fourth step is to consult with stakeholders and obtain approval for the proposed traffic calming measure. This involves communicating and engaging with the road users, residents, authorities, agencies, etc. that may be affected by or interested in the traffic calming measure. This also involves addressing any concerns or objections that may arise and obtaining the necessary permissions or approvals from the relevant authorities or agencies.
Install and monitor the traffic calming measure: The fifth step is to install and monitor the traffic calming measure according to the design specifications and standards. This involves ensuring the quality and safety of the installation process and materials, as well as conducting regular inspections and maintenance of the traffic calming device or technique. This also involves collecting and analyzing data on the performance and impact of the traffic calming measure on traffic conditions, accident rates, public opinion, etc.
Evaluate and modify the traffic calming measure: The final step is to evaluate and modify the traffic calming measure based on the data collected and analyzed in the previous step. This involves assessing the suitability and effectiveness of the traffic calming measure in achieving the desired objective and identifying any problems or issues that may arise. This also involves making any necessary modifications or adjustments to improve or optimize the traffic calming measure.
The examples and illustrations of using IRC 99-2018
To give you a better idea of how IRC 99-2018 can help you apply traffic calming measures in different situations, here are some examples and illustrations of using IRC 99-2018:
Example 1: You want to reduce the speed of traffic on a residential street that has a high volume of through traffic and a high incidence of accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists. You decide to use speed humps as a traffic calming measure. You use IRC 99-2018 to select, design, install, monitor, and evaluate speed humps according to the guidelines and standards provided in the document.
Example 2: You want to improve the comfort and convenience of pedestrians on a busy urban road that has a narrow sidewalk and a high density of commercial activities. You decide to use road narrowing as a traffic calming measure. You use IRC 99-2018 to select, design, install, monitor, and evaluate road narrowing according to the guidelines and standards provided in the document.
Example 3: You want to enhance the livability and quality of life of residents on a rural road that has a high level of noise and air pollution caused by traffic. You decide to use a traffic calming zone as a traffic calming measure. You use IRC 99-2018 to select, design, install, monitor, and evaluate a traffic calming zone according to the guidelines and standards provided in the document.
Where to get IRC 99-2018?
If you are interested in getting IRC 99-2018, you have several options to choose from. Here are some of the sources and links for downloading IRC 99-2018:
The sources and links for downloading IRC 99-2018
The official website of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC): You can download IRC 99-2018 from the official website of the IRC, which is the apex body of highway engineers in India. The website provides a list of all the IRC codes and standards, including IRC 99-2018. You can also find other useful information and resources related to road engineering on the website. The link for downloading IRC 99-2018 from the IRC website is:
The online bookstore of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC): You can also purchase IRC 99-2018 from the online bookstore of the IRC, which offers a wide range of books and publications related to road engineering. The online bookstore provides a secure and convenient way of ordering and paying for the books online. You can also get discounts and offers on some of the books. The link for purchasing IRC 99-2018 from the IRC online bookstore is:
The online library of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI): You can also access IRC 99-2018 from the online library of the NHAI, which is an autonomous agency of the Government of India that is responsible for managing the national highways in India. The online library provides free access to various documents and reports related to road engineering, including IRC codes and standards. You can also find other useful information and resources related to road development and management on the website. The link for accessing IRC 99-2018 from the NHAI online library is:
The alternatives and substitutes for IRC 99-2018
If you are unable to get IRC 99-2018 from any of the sources or links mentioned above, you can also look for some alternatives or substitutes that provide similar or comparable guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas. Here are some of the alternatives or substitutes for IRC 99-2018:
The Manual for Streets (MfS) by the Department for Transport (DfT) of the United Kingdom: This is a document that provides guidance on how to design, build, operate, and maintain streets in urban and rural areas. It covers various aspects of street design, including traffic calming measures, pedestrian and cyclist facilities, parking management, street lighting, etc. It also provides examples and case studies of good practice in street design. The link for downloading MfS from the DfT website is:
The Traffic Calming ePrimer by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United States: This is an online document that provides an overview of traffic calming techniques and their applications in urban and rural areas. It covers various topics related to traffic calming, such as definitions, objectives, principles, benefits, challenges, measures, zones, implementation, evaluation, etc. It also provides links to other resources and references on traffic calming. The link for accessing the Traffic Calming ePrimer from the FHWA website is:
The Guidelines for Traffic Calming by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) of the United States and Canada: This is a document that provides recommendations and best practices for traffic calming in urban and rural areas. It covers various aspects of traffic calming, such as definitions, objectives, principles, benefits, challenges, measures, zones, implementation, evaluation, etc. It also provides examples and case studies of traffic calming projects in different contexts. The link for purchasing the Guidelines for Traffic Calming from the ITE website is:
In conclusion, IRC 99-2018 is a valuable and useful document that provides guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas. It can help you improve the safety, comfort, and livability of road users and residents by reducing the speed, volume, or aggressiveness of traffic on roads. It can also help you enhance the environmental quality and aesthetic appeal of the road network by creating a more human-scale and friendly road space. However, you also need to be aware of the challenges and limitations of using IRC 99-2018, such as increasing travel time, requiring resources, and involving trade-offs. You also need to follow the steps and procedures for applying IRC 99-2018, such as identifying the need and objective, selecting the appropriate measure, designing the measure, consulting with stakeholders, installing and monitoring the measure, and evaluating and modifying the measure. You can also look for some alternatives or substitutes for IRC 99-2018 that provide similar or comparable guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas.
Summary of the main points
IRC 99-2018 is a document that provides guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas.
Traffic calming measures are physical or psychological devices or techniques that are used to reduce the speed, volume, or aggressiveness of traffic on roads.
Traffic calming measures aim to improve the safety, comfort, and livability of road users and residents, as well as to enhance the environmental quality and aesthetic appeal of the road network.
IRC 99-2018 covers both active or design enforced measures and passive or law enforced measures. It also covers visual warnings or pre-warnings.
IRC 99-2018 provides general principles and criteria for selecting appropriate traffic calming measures based on the road characteristics, traffic conditions, land use patterns, accident data, public opinion, etc.
IRC 99-2018 provides specific guidelines and standards for designing and installing various traffic calming devices based on their dimensions, materials, locations, spacing, etc.
IRC 99-2018 provides checklists for assessing the suitability and effectiveness of traffic calming measures in different scenarios.
IRC 99-2018 provides examples and illustrations of how traffic calming measures can help you design and implement effective traffic calming schemes in different road environments.
You can download IRC 99-2018 from the official website of the IRC, the online bookstore of the IRC, or the online library of the NHAI.
You can also look for some alternatives or substitutes for IRC 99-2018 that provide similar or comparable guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas.
Recommendations and suggestions
We recommend that you use IRC 99-2018 as a reference and guide for planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas. It can help you improve the safety, comfort, and livability of road users and residents by reducing the speed, volume, or aggressiveness of traffic on roads. It can also help you enhance the environmental quality and aesthetic appeal of the road network by creating a more human-scale and friendly road space.
We suggest that you follow the steps and procedures outlined in IRC 99-2018 for applying traffic calming measures, such as identifying the need and objective, selecting the appropriate measure, designing the measure, consulting with stakeholders, installing and monitoring the measure, and evaluating and modifying the measure. This can help you ensure the quality and effectiveness of your traffic calming project.
We also suggest that you look for some alternatives or substitutes for IRC 99-2018 that provide similar or comparable guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas. This can help you broaden your knowledge and perspective on traffic calming techniques and their applications in different contexts.
Here are some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about IRC 99-2018:
What is the difference between IRC 99-2018 and IRC 99-1988?
IRC 99-2018 is a revised version of IRC 99-1988, which was the first edition of the IRC code for traffic calming measures. IRC 99-2018 incorporates the latest developments and best practices in the field of traffic engineering, such as new types of traffic calming devices, new design standards, new evaluation methods, etc. It also covers a wider range of road environments and traffic situations than IRC 99-1988.
How to get a hard copy of IRC 99-2018?
You can get a hard copy of IRC 99-2018 by purchasing it from the online bookstore of the IRC. The price of the hard copy is Rs. 500 (excluding postage charges). You can also get a soft copy of IRC 99-2018 by downloading it from the official website of the IRC or the online library of the NHAI.
How to cite IRC 99-2018 in academic or professional documents?
You can cite IRC 99-2018 in academic or professional documents by using the following format:
Indian Roads Congress (IRC). (2018). Guidelines for Traffic Calming Measures in Urban and Rural Areas (Revised Edition). New Delhi: IRC.
How to contact the IRC for any queries or feedback on IRC 99-2018?
You can contact the IRC for any queries or feedback on IRC 99-2018 by using the following details:
Phone: +91-11-23387759 / +91-11-23387526
Fax: +91-11-23384814
Address: Indian Roads Congress, Kama Koti Marg, Sector 6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110022
How to get more information and resources on traffic calming techniques and their applications?
You can get more information and resources on traffic calming techniques and their applications by visiting some of the following websites:
The website of the International Road Federation (IRF):
The website of the World Road Association (PIARC):
The website of the Transportation Research Board (TRB):
The website of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE):
The website of the Traffic Calming Library: